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Frances Wittkopf

Candidate For:

1515 Missouri Ave
Lynn Haven, FL 32444

2006 Municipal (M1)
2006 Municipal (M2)
2006 Municipal (M3)
2006 Termination (TM2)

Obtain an original copy at the Supervisor’s Office

Note: The candidate's statement is supplied by the candidate and is not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections!  The statement must advance the candidacy of the candidate and not attack the opponents or issues in the election.

Comments :

Hi, I’m Frances Wittkopf, one of your City Commissioners. I have been a resident of Lynn Haven since 1972. I am married to Dick Wittkopf for 44 years and have two sons and six grandchildren. My children grew up in Lynn Haven and we have been involved in many sporting and community activities through the years. We now have two grandchildren participating in our sports program. I worked at the Lynn Haven Library for 22 years - serving as branch librarian, department head and library director. I am presently Branch Manager of the Springfield Public Library. We are only open 30 hours which allows me time to serve the City of Lynn Haven as your commissioner.

It has been my pleasure to serve the people of Lynn Haven for the last nine years and I would like to continue working for the things that make Lynn Haven a great city with a small town “community” atmosphere where people know each other, work and play together, and have a safe environment to bring up their children and enjoy retirement. (We have a new Senior Center)

We are fortunate to live in such a wonderful place and as we are seeing, other people want to live here as well. As more people relocate to Lynn Haven, the city needs reasonable and proven leadership to insure a desirable quality of life, manage our growth, maintain and increase our economic base, and operate the City efficiently.

I would like to see more sidewalks, bike paths, and Lynn Haven become more of a walkable community. We have to protect our natural resources. We have to protect North Bay for the future of our children and grandchildren.

I want clean water to drink, clean air to breath, clean water to swim in, open spaces, town meetings. Growth is coming but I want that growth to be planned and managed sensibly. Most important I want decisions about growth to be based on the interest of the whole community. A community of individuals must work together

As stated in section 106.011(14), F.S. the candidates running for State, Multicounty, District or Judical office must file with the Department of State Division of Elections, click here for a link to the Division of Elections.