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District:   Beach Mosquito Control (BCHMQ)

Tom Easter

Candidate For:
Beach Mosquito Seat 2


No reports at this time

Obtain an original copy at the Supervisor’s Office

Note: The candidate's statement is supplied by the candidate and is not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections!  The statement must advance the candidacy of the candidate and not attack the opponents or issues in the election.

Comments :

I was born, raised and educated a long time ago in Tennessee.
I married Lois 48 years ago, together we raised 4 children who blessed us with 13 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
My Uncle Sam and I traveled the world 5 years jumping out of perfectly good airplanes (military Police Paratrooper )
I began my work career in the Steel a chemist and after some35 years I retired in management as head of my Department.
During my career I served as a City Councilman, Director of our local Jr.Chamber of commerce, Director of our local Kiwanis Club, active in our local Baptist Church and was part owner in a private chemical-testing laboratory
Upon retirement from the Steel industry Lois and I moved to Panama City Beach where I went to work for the Beach Police. I was then appointed to the Panama City Beach Civil Service Board, and have served ever since. During this time I also served on the board of Director of our Homeowners Association. Lois and I are members and regular attendees of Gulf Beach Baptist Church on Middle Beach Road.

My pledge to you is if elected I will attend all the meetings, I will spend your tax dollars as if they were coming from my personal bank account. I live on the beach and I will continue to live on the beach as long as I am a member of the board.

I still believe in the J C creed:



As stated in section 106.011(14), F.S. the candidates running for State, Multicounty, District or Judical office must file with the Department of State Division of Elections, click here for a link to the Division of Elections.