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Rick Hurst

Candidate For:



County/State (Q2)
County/State (F1)
County/State (F2)
County/State (F3)

Obtain an original copy at the Supervisor’s Office

Note: The candidate's statement is supplied by the candidate and is not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections!  The statement must advance the candidacy of the candidate and not attack the opponents or issues in the election.

Comments :

Many of you know me because I GREW UP IN BAY COUNTY and attended the public schools here. Many more of you know me through my work in local Television and my service as a Bay County Commissioner from 1992-1996.

Through my long experience covering local, state and national government affairs as a senior reporter, and my hands-on experience as a Commissioner, I KNOW HOW COUNTY GOVERNMENT WORKS AND HOW IT HAS FAILED TO WORK FOR US-THE PEOPLE IN RECENT YEARS.

Our successful efforts to attract better jobs to Bay County in the early 1990's have since been allowed to falter. The reason for this is A COUNTY COMMISSION DOMINATED BY PEOPLE MORE INTERESTED IN TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES THAN TAKING CARE OF OUR BUSINESS.

It has been very frustrating to see my serious efforts to institute long-range planning once again reduced to "crisis management". This failure to plan the work and work the plan has caused county government to waste far too much of our hard-earned money. PLANNING AHEAD when I was Commissioner in the early 90's allowed us to CUT TAXES while, at the same time, build a "rainy day fund".

It goes almost without saying that most of the present Commissioners are not seriously committed to preserving our quality of life. MY VOTING RECORD ON PROTECTING AND PRESERVING OUR NATURAL RESOURCES IS UNMATCHED BY ANY OTHER COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PAST OR PRESENT.

These are serious matters that require serious attention from committed leaders. There are times when leaders must step forward for the good of the community. This is one of those times. I HUMBLY ASK FOR YOUR VOTE AND YOUR SUPPORT ON BEHALF OF OUR CHILDREN AND THE CHILDREN OF BAY COUNTY YET TO COME.

With Warm Regards,
Rick Hurst

As stated in section 106.011(14), F.S. the candidates running for State, Multicounty, District or Judical office must file with the Department of State Division of Elections, click here for a link to the Division of Elections.