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Donna Allen

Candidate For:


201 Birdie Lane
Panama City Beach, FL 32407
Phone: 234-0970 or 814-6595

County/State (Q2)
County/State (F1)
County/State (F2)
County/State (F3)
County/State (G1)
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County/State (G3)
County/State (G4)
County/State (TR3)

Obtain an original copy at the Supervisor’s Office

Note: The candidate's statement is supplied by the candidate and is not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections!  The statement must advance the candidacy of the candidate and not attack the opponents or issues in the election.

Comments :

I have the Education, Experience and Proven Dedication to put students and teachers first.

With my degree from FSU in Child Dev. and Elementary Education, I have taught at all levels. This has allowed me to understand both the joys and the challenges of the day to day classroom setting.
During my years as Exec. Dir. of Girls Inc. (1982 - 1993), I developed a true dedication to raising the standards of children, youth and adults in our community. I'm honored and humbled by knowing that today the Bay BASE (Before and After School Enrichment) Program, I developed and which was adopted by the Bay County School Board, is now serving the needs of Bay County students in 17 schools.
Along with my husband, Bill Allen, of 19 years, we have been blessed with two sons, Austin and Dalton, who have attended Bay County Schools from kindergarten to present. As a parent I have volunteered countless hours in our school system in various positions within the PTO, School Office, Advisory Boards and Athletic Organizations from elementary to high school levels.
My record of praiseworthy community involvement, excellent business leadership and the positive development of students are the reasons to Vote for Donna Allen on September 10th. Please call or e-mail me for more information and let's talk about our ideas and concerns.

As stated in section 106.011(14), F.S. the candidates running for State, Multicounty, District or Judical office must file with the Department of State Division of Elections, click here for a link to the Division of Elections.