Voter Lookup Tool

Complete the form to:

  • Review/update your voter registration information
  • Check the status of your mail ballot
  • Check where/when to vote
  • Look up your Florida Voter Registration Number
  • See your sample ballot
  • Look up future elections
  • Review your voting activity for the past 12 months

If you are using this tool to check the status of your vote-by-mail ballot, the online display will progress through the following steps:

  1. REQUESTED - We have your vote-by-mail request on file.
  2. SENT - Your vote-by-mail ballot has been mailed to the listed address.
  3. RECEIVED - If the Received arrow is RED, there is an error that needs your ATTENTION! Any actions you need to take will be listed on the website.  You have until 5 p.m. on the second day after Election Day to cure your vote-by-mail ballot.
  4. COUNTED - Your signature has been verified and your vote-by-mail ballot will be presented to the Canvassing Board for tabulation.

Nina Ward,
Supervisor of Elections
Bay County
830 W. 11th St.
Panama City, FL







M-F; 8am-5pm